YSB 2.0 Conference
Synbiosoc hosted the YSB 2.0 conference held over two days (September 1st – 2nd 2014) at The Wellcome Trust and UCL. At YSB, young synthetic biologists from the UK came together to share their 2014 iGEM projects and initiate collaborations.
The London Biohackers iGEM team joined a number of UK iGEM teams at the conference to present their JuicyPrint project. The conference was a huge success, with many fantastic collaborations being born as a result.
- The London Biohackers have joined forces with the Imperial College London iGEM team who are exploring the potential of bacterial cellulose and are excited to see what this new collaboration will bring.
This week, the Imperial College London iGEM team will be visiting the Hackspace. Keep your eyes peeled, an update with any exciting developments from the lab visit will follow shortly!