Archive for July, 2015
Project: Tepnel DNA purification Robot
We received a donation of a Tepnel DNA purification system from a lab that was being decommissioned at the University of Exeter. It boots up and initial tests seem good. We have the manual in pdf and we need to obtain or make up the buffers and consumables to...
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Event: London iGEM teams Meet Up
On the 31st of July, Birbeck and UCL hosted an afternoon of talks and discussions with iGEM members from the Birbeck, UCL, London BIohackspace, Westminster and Kent teams. Followed by poster presentations, the goal of this event was to bring iGEMers together along with members of the academia to discuss...
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Data: Live temp streams from the biolab
Woo! It’s been warm in the UK, but it’s been hotter in the biolab. How hot? this hot…
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Visiting La Paillasse (Paris)
After the Day 1 at HTC 2015 – members from London Biohackspace stopped by at La Paillasse – a community lab located in the centre of Paris. They had a huge lounge, lab section, porch and even a textile workshop. It was very inspiring to have an opportunity to...
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Event: Shuffle Festival
Shuffle Festival was a week long festival held in Mile End. The week-long festivities involve film, science, storytelling, performance art, architectural installations, walks, food, comedy and music. Members from London Biohackspace had an opportunity to run a stall on July 26th at the Migration Pavilion. We run a “Beer Simulation Workshop”...
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Biohackers on the Mendel’s Finches podcast
Bethan, Edo and Ilya were on the Mendel’s Finches podcast. It’s up on soundcloud here. Episode blurb: In this special episode, Bethan and Yan Kay give us an inside-look at the world of synthetic biology. Here, they interview a selection of researchers competing in iGEM, a worldwide synthetic biology competition....