Elephant and Castle Mini Maker Faire
On 16 Nov, 2014 By Cathrine Disney
On Saturday 15th we showed our JuicyPrint project at the Elephant and Castle Mini Maker Faire 2014, hosted by London College of Communication, the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness,
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YSB 2.0 Conference
On 17 Sep, 2014 By Cathrine Disney
Synbiosoc hosted the YSB 2.0 conference held over two days (September 1st – 2nd 2014) at The Wellcome Trust and UCL. At YSB, young synthetic biologists from the UK came together to share their 2014 iGEM projects and initiate collaborations. The London Biohackers iGEM team joined a number of...
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Itty Bitty Creatures
On 25 Aug, 2014 By Tom Hodder
Jaden brought along a mixed culture of fresh water algae, and we took some shots under the microscope. f
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Building a DIY Flow Hood
On 23 Jul, 2014 By Ilya Levantis
Anyone following me on twitter may have noticed I posted a few pictures of my progress during my build of a simple HEPA filter based laminar flow box (not sure if it’s actually considered a flow hood). The idea of this build being to greatly improve the reliability of...
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The iGEM kit has arrived!
On 18 Jul, 2014 By Ilya Levantis
Last week we got an exciting package through our door. After a long delay we finally received the iGEM 2014 biobrick distribution containing 1536 different pieces of lyophilised DNA. A few of these parts will be crucial for building JuicyPrint and will mean we can finally get going on...
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Photos of the New Lab Space
On 23 Oct, 2013 By JJ Hastings
The London Hackspace moved to it’s new location on Hackney Road, and these are some photos of the new space.
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OpenPCR kit build
On 12 Sep, 2013 By Tom Hodder
Equipment required; small screwdriver smd soldering kit (soldering iron, reflow got air gun or oven, solder/solder paste, flux, solder wick, etc) magnifying glass, or other equipment for inspecting SMD soldering, such as stereo microscope digital multimeter Step 1) assemble the components from the kit BOM (Bill of...
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The DIY Bio Salon comes to London
On 27 Mar, 2013 By joel
On Wednesday 19 March, the Arts Catalyst in Clerkenwell saw curious patrons and international amateur biologists (or “biohackers”), gather for an evening of presentations and discussions as part of LabEasy‘s ‘DIY Bio Salon’. Keen to hear from some of biohacking’s most outspoken enthusiasts, guests were packed in and surrounded...
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London BioHackspace
On 24 Jan, 2013 By will
London Biohackspace is a UK community biolab based at the London Hackspace. Our lab is based around open-source principles and community access, which allows the freedom for anyone to pursue collaborative or individual projects for which it would be difficult to seek funding from traditional, risk-averse bodies. The strength of...
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Ellen Jorgensen’s TED talk
On 17 Jan, 2013 By joel
Ellen Jorgensen from Genspace NYC gave a recent TED talk on biohacking which has been getting some attention. We have personal computing, why not personal biotech? That’s the question biologist Ellen Jorgensen and her colleagues asked themselves before opening Genspace, a nonprofit DIYbio lab in Brooklyn devoted to citizen...